Jacob came home last Thursday with a temp and is still not quite over his viral crud . . . I took him in last night to the doctor after he ASKED me if I would take him in. Now any nearly-10-year-old who asks to go to the doctor has got to be feeling pretty rough. As it turns out they couldn't do anything for him. Although they suggested that a spoonful of honey does as good on job on helping a cough as any cough stuff you can buy at the pharmacy . . . we tried and it seems to have helped . . . go figure!
Rebekah is the one holdout who is still in relatively good health . . . although still relatively grumpy more often than I would like!
Lydia stayed home today after laying in my lap at supper last night with a very warm forehead. When I took her temp it was 101. We were guessing if it would land on any of our favorite radio frequencies . . . we were really hoping for 98.5 . . . you know, for a few reasons not the least of which that would mean she wasn't sick and since Kirb works at Northwestern (the official owner of KTIS) I guess that counts a little too! We were really hoping we didn't get up to 104.1, JACK FM . . . also for more than one reason. Here is how I found her on the couch this morning. Sound asleep. It doesn't look comfy to me, what do you think?
Joe has an ear infection. He came home in the middle of the night from his not-so-fun sleepover last Saturday because he had developed a fever too and was feeling really crummy . . . and not sleeping . . . and wanting his momma {isn't that sweet?} He was fine when my mom picked him up in the afternoon, but went downhill kinda quick about 1am! He'll have to get re-entered into the rotation a little early since I don't think that one should count! {If you don't know it, one of our 4 big kids sleeps over at my parent's house most every Saturday night. They get picked up sometime on Saturday afternoon and since we go to the same church as my parents they just go back home with us when church is done. It is a beautiful arrangement for everyone!}
Anna is teething. Poor girl. Her poop (which is quite frequent these days) is kinda white-ish in color. Weird! But I asked our pediatrician when I was in for Joe's ears and she said it's not as weird as you might think. It's a combination of the teething and Anna's version of the bug that is going around at our house.
On a more fun note Lydia lost her other front tooth . . . I'll post a picture when she's looks a little less "near-death". She's not a real pretty girl when she's sick: pale and pasty doesn't become her too well!
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