Well, Anna had her 12-month check up this afternoon!
She is roughly 20 pounds {19 pounds, 10 ounces in case you care about the specifics} and just about 28 inches tall. Her head is over 18 inches . . . I guess that's big since it's the 75th percentile . . . I don't know what to make of that info!
Her left ear is infected again. . . poor girl!
Plus, she had 2 shots and blood taken . . . those finger pokes are the worst and bleed FOREVER!
The good news (other than the fact that she is a healthy . . . and ADORABLE! . . . 12-month-old) is that I didn't spend one single {non-Amoxicillin} cent while I was at Target waiting for her Rx to get filled . . . and it's not even April yet . . . I was so proud of me!
Happy 1st birthday Anna!