Today I'm thankful for my van! I complain a bit . . . "it's full of crap, it needs to be cleaned, we need gas again, you in the back, STOP FIGHTING!" but what a blessing it is. We all fit in it and it gets us where we need to go. Since there are laws against putting the kids all in the trunk of the family station wagon, I guess the minivan was a stellar invention. Plus you gotta love the automatic doors that open for you when your hands are overflowing with stuff . . . and often people! And that open parallel to the van so no overzealous kids put dings in the "just-off-the-lot" new car parked next to us at the library! Yeah for the blessings of reliable {extra large} transportation.
Here is my favorite picture of our beloved van {just kiddin'!, I don't really have favorite pictures of my van. Did you really think that I do?} posing with our Christmas tree 2008 and some ever-loving siblings!

P.S. On a similar, and funny, note Kirb and I joke that we are out growing our MINI van and will have to trade it in some day for a full sized van which we plan to dub the "MAXI PAD". Get it? Mini van . . . maxi pad? We think it will be a great family joke . . . "Ok gang, everyone in the maxi pad. It's time to go to church!" Just another way we can embarrass our kids when they are pre-teens and teenagers. Isn't that what parents are for anyway?
I do miss having doors that slide rather than swing wide open. I am thinking we, too, will need to get a huge van. The problem with the Suburban and six kids is that there are NO EXTRA seats. A nice 12-15 seater to use as an extra vehicle would be a dream!