Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My kids go to school in District 623 (isd 623 . . . say it out loud. It's kinda rhyme-y). I started kindergarten in Independent School District #6, then we moved between 6th and 7th grade and so I graduated from District 833.

My first phone number was 455.4929 and my best friend's number growing up was 459.3060. (This was when 70% of the people in Minnesota had the same area code and you only thought of your area code when giving your phone number to the girl from North Dakota that you met at summer camp or the lady on the phone to whom you were giving your catalog order . . . item number, size, shipping address, phone number (with area code, please). You never thought of your phone number with an area code in front of it. Everyone knew it was 612.) I haven't called either of these numbers in years.

So, why is it that I remember this unimportant, not helpful, trivial information and yet call my children by the wrong name? Clearly, this is something that I should be able to remember . . . I mean really, I named them myself. Out of all the names in the world I could choose whatever I wanted (well, with a little input from Kirbs) . . . and yet I still forget or get frustrated or don't take the time to really think or whatever! I need a delete button for my brain to clear out random stuff I no longer need and also the option to "mark as urgent" things that really need to be remembered. This is one source of frustration in my life! Anyone with me on this one?


  1. so true. i've only got 2 kids and i get their names mixed up occasionally too. go figure. it's like whichever name happens to be on my brain is the one that comes out or something. and yes, i still remember things like phone #s and addresses from when i was a kid. like the address of the kids i used to babysit. i had to learn it so i could sign them in at the pool. now i get to use this otherwise useless info because i buy mary kay products from their mom. it's handy knowing where to send my check without having to look it up every time!

  2. Independent School District #6 is now Special school district #6. We sure are special. ;)


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