so, i'm in the kitchen getting anna some breakfast (she is in her high chair in the dining room with a tray full of cheerios). anna is not long on patience . . . some of you may know me well enough to know that, without a doubt, she got that from me. i am not a patient person, try though i may. kirbs can verify that fact for you, if you need him to! so, anna is not excited about the 47-second wait for her food. (you'd think we never feed her!). joe is singing "jesus loves me" to her to try and cheer her up, then i hear him say: "it's ok anna. i'm right here!" what a sweet boy . . . and i'm fairly certain a pretty good mimic too, since i probably say that more often than i realize.
fast forward a few seconds and anna is happy (happier, at least) that i am now feeding her something purple-ish (plums maybe, i didn't read the label. i know she likes the purple stuff!) although she is still a little frustrated that i don't feed it to her fast enough -- crazy me, i value swallowing and stuff like that! joe says, pointing to her box of infant cereal, "is there more sand in there? does anna want more sand?" if you are familiar with infant cereal you know that it's little flakes and you mix it with something liquidy (milk, water, juice, applesauce, etc.) to make it edible, but joe (apparently) thinks we are feeding his sister sand, and, it would seem, he's ok with that!
anna is now done eating and i'm getting her out of the high chair when joe comes in with this spinny bowl/chair thing that he got for his birthday from his ama. (everyone at our house likes it. it is meant to be sat in, but, you know, it often takes on other functions too!) so, joe says to me: "this is my helmet. it keeps my hair safe. if you don't have a helmet your hair can blow away."
now i bet you wish you'd been here this morning to witness all this silliness with your own eyes and ears . . . sorry you missed it! but hopefully this made it seem like you were here . . . at least a little!
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