The classroom theme {at preschool} for the month in the "big room" where they have their imaginative play time is a big sailing vessel. Joe LOVES boats in case ya didn't know! So he is thrilled. We didn't leave the ticket window and big boat all night . . . he even passed on the ice cream! and we stayed in the ship fishing and selling tickets to board the ship and reading books in the ship and whale watching and running from the {big & scary} sharks {two of them} that somehow got aboard our ship and going up to the top deck {loft} to get a better view and selling more tickets and fishing a little more and . . . you get the idea. We did this ALL night! Didn't play with the volcano in the other room. Didn't make a craft. Didn't play in the sand box or water table. Didn't play games. Didn't visit the book nook. Didn't eat our snack for cryin' out loud . . . ALL boats, all night! I pretended to row the boat once but got scolded. {It's got a motor, Mom! Just start up the engine! No need to row.}
Joey's Ama came to surprise him. That was fun! He wasn't real keen on giving her the tour of his classroom though because that required leaving the boat! She got there just in time for a little playin' and then was able to join us for circle time. So Joe brought his mom and she brought hers . . . so fun! 3 generations. Here's a picture Joe took of Ama at circle time: {sorry for posting it, Mom, but I couldn't resist.}
Well, that's it for Mom's night. Aloha! We'll "see" you later!
Someday when money grows on trees you'll have to come visit and have a real Hawaiian experience. And the boots were perfect especially in winter when it rains all he time. Danya wants a pair of orange ones. I try to convince her slippahs would be better but her choice is always the rain boots on the next shelf.