"One Thousand Gifts":
587. safety during a couple nasty storms in our area
588. a VERY productive Saturday
589. visit with friends
590. purging!
591. a great sidewalk sale and some bargains
592. sunshine and a pool
593. getting one of our kiddos back after nearly a week away from home
594. peeking through the windows into our newly remodeled neighborhood library that opens in a few more days (we've missed it the past 16 months!!!)
595. the many "characters" in our lives
596. s'mores night at the Java Train
597. decent adjustment to the new bedroom set-up for all the kids (well, relatively speaking anyway)
598. de-cluttering!
599. a (short) Sunday afternoon nap
600. an organizational system that seems to be working
601. family time
602. tired kiddos at the end of the day
603. a good book . . . or two . . . read this week
604. the combination of good friends, a trampoline, a sprinker and snacks
605. chats with friends
606. friends who don't mind (and barely even notice) when you pick up your daughter 2 hours late from their daughter's birthday party
607. Half Price Books
608. nesting
Alrighty, that's it's for now. Tune in next Monday for the next installment.
#606--now THAT is a blessing indeed! LOL :)