Monday, June 7, 2010

multitude monday

Here's my continuing Multitude Monday post, which all started a while back, right here.

"One Thousand Gifts":

540. being able to bless others
541. a kiddo old enough {and enthusiastic to boot!} to mow the lawn
542. a church family that is supportive and encouraging
543. gratitude
544. clean clothes
545. enough food
546. online shopping
547. helpful salespeople at the store
548. thoughtful friends
549. DQ
550. a quiet week
551. a husband who does SO much!
552. the fun of the farmer's market
553. swimming outdoors {yeah for summer!}
554. laying in bed at night listening to the rain

Alrighty, that's it's for now. Tune in next Monday for the next installment.

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. I love multitude mondays. Its fun to hear the things that you are grateful for but also to be reminded of being thankful for those little things!! We LOVE the farmers market. We have yet to get there this spring. I hope SOON we will be there. :)


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