Friday, November 13, 2009

Flashback Friday

Here's a post originally written just about a year ago. Since so many people got such a big kick out of it, I thought I'd give you all a little chuckle again {or possibly for the first time if you didn't see it last year!} Enjoy:


warning: parental advisory on this post. slightly inappropriate use of humor . . . just don't say i didn't warn you:

joey loves hats! he loves this hat. he's had it since he was a baby. i thought maybe this year anna could wear it, but joe doesn't seem to want to give it up. he wore it ALL DAY on friday . . . inside and out! and over and over, all day while he had it on, he kept saying:
"when i jump my balls jiggle!"

he's talking about THE HAT, you see it has little balls on top . . . ok, enough said! have a great week!


  1. HA HA HA HA! That is sooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh, Shana!

  2. I have 3 boys...4 if you count my hubby...I can relate to that humor!! Just catching up on your blog! LOVE the new kitchen look. Very nicely done! Also, I love your kids' costumes. Nancy Drew and $100...super clever!


Thanks for the comments . . . they make my day!