My kids do have toys and books and other "stuff", but with each baby I've gotten rid of more and more of the well-marketed baby "necessities" and have been happier, I think, with less of a collection of various baby paraphernalia. I do, however, currently have 5 different types/styles/models of baby carriers. And, although I'm not sure I need to have 5, I would be in big trouble without at least one. My favorite {at the moment} is a fleece sling that I use at least once a day {and so does Kirb despite the fact that it's rather girly looking -- he's cool like that}. I once had a dream that it got stolen out of my van. Really, I did. It was a terrible dream and in the dream I could hardly wait for the store to open up so I could replace it right away the next morning. But if I'm going to be wearing Sara for hours at a time, it really helps to have her weight distributed on both shoulders, so I also have a Moby wrap {basically an obscenely long piece of -- in my case, brown -- material that you wrap around your body and stick the baby in}. It's great, but a little more time consuming to put on and get loaded. I also have another non-fleece sling, that unfortunately is fitted and was purchased a few pounds {babies} ago and doesn't fit quite as well as it once did . . . I'm hopeful though that when the weather is warmer and the cozy fleece isn't quite as welcome, I will be down a few pounds and it will fit better. Then we have an Ergo baby carrier that I LOVE, although it's not my favorite way to carry teeny tiny babies. Ours is currently just home from Korea where it went with a family to pick up their new little daughter. Almost all babies in Korea are carried {from a really young age} on the backs of their caregivers, so they are used to that. This family didn't have a carrier with a back-carry option, so they borrowed ours. It should be back here soon and Sara will be riding along it in on many a walk to the park as quick as the last of the snow disappears and the rain stops. We also have a Kelty backpack that Kirb got me for my 26th birthday {which happened to be the same day we found out we were pregnant with Rebekah}. It's not my favorite any more, but it also comes in handy at times, and has escorted us on many a day at the state fair! {you can see so much more from up there then from in a stroller!}
Rebekah with Sara in the wrap {it fits ALL sizes, you see!}::
If you're local, a great place to get a baby carrier is Peapods {one of my very favorite stores}. They will help you find which one is right for you and teach you how to use it/put it on and will let you try them all out in the store with your own baby or a really heavy doll that is about the size and weight of a baby about Sara's age {they also have a great website as well}. If you aren't local, I recently discovered a great mom-owned website that specializes in baby carriers. Heavenly Hold is another great resource if you're in the market for a carrier. Check them out!
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