Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for so much today::

I think spring might actually be here to stay, which is fabulous!! The weather this week has been really nice again and we've been outside a lot!

My dad had pretty major surgery on his foot this week and, so far, he seems to be doing great! Now if he can just stay off of it like he's supposed to, maybe it can heal correctly and he can be in much less pain every day. We're sure hoping {and praying} so!

We had such a fun spring break last week. Good times with our entire family together {thanks, Kirb for taking the week off to be with us . . . it is what made it so wonderful!}, good weather, fun things to do and still getting to sleep in our own beds . . . well, for the most part!

The first day of break we asked each of the kids to name 2 or 3 things that they would really like to do over spring break and we wrote them down. Thankfully, many of them had the same or similar ideas. That sure helped. By the end of the week we had done nearly everything on our list and had done at least one special thing listed by each of the kiddos.

Here are a few pictures from our week {I didn't take nearly as many as I should have or as I meant to!}::

Family movie night/slumber party in the living room
Joe actually slept on the floor all night::
Jacob and Kirb took in a hockey game while the Warroad boys were down for the High School hockey tournament::

Riding the Greyhound at the Minnesota History Museum::
The bus driver{s}::
Joey making faces at the big scary fish at the MN Zoo::
all 5 kiddos watching the fishes::
we even spotted a "wild joe" among the native vegetation::
the whole gang::
I guess I failed to take any pictures at all at the Mill City Museum {it was a beautiful day to be there. Amazing views of the river!} or the waterpark or of the bike riding in the driveway, the tennis playing at the park and against the garage, the pickup games of football in the yard, the birthday dinner at Red Robin and all the other fun we managed to have. So you'll have to take what you can get.

We're kind of back into the swing of things for the time being, but will be thrown a curve ball again with a short school week next week and a road trip up north to see Kirb's family for Easter. Maybe in April we can get in a groove again before we get hit with summer!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a fun week! we're looking forward to seeing you next weekend!


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