Monday, July 5, 2010

multitude monday

Here's my continuing Multitude Monday post, which all started a while back, right here.

"One Thousand Gifts":

609. towels and suits hung on the line, reminding us of fun had beating the heat

610. this extra-cute 4th of July-ready girl

611. 4th of July parades
612. a whole city of people dressed in the colors of our country
613. fireworks
614. marching bands

615. sitting and watching the orange glow of the fire in our backyard
616. modern medicine
617. a still un-born little nephew who tried to make an early entrance last week, but was thwarted by lots of prayer and some #616 . . . keep cookin' little man, we are so excited to meet you, but would prefer it not be for a few more weeks, at least!
618. our new backyard composter
619. the St. Paul farmer's market on a Saturday morning
620. a 9-year-old trying to find the best price on the green beans she was so enthusiastic about
621. donuts
622. coffee
623. family time
624. some great worship, even though we had skipped church . . . a better kind of worship even!
625. more tasks crossed off the list
626. a visit with a friend who lives too far away
627. the thought of packing my 2 biggest up for their first week-long, away-from-home camp experience . . . the nervousness and the prayers {and the laundry} that goes into it
628. excited over date night tonight! yeah! {it's been a while}
629. being able to count on one hand the number of days until our local library re-opens {I can hardly stand it I'm so excited!}

{I can't believe I'm well-past half way to 1,000 already. I have loved being more intentional about counting both the big and small blessings God has placed in my life, and the awareness that being intentional brings!}

Alrighty, that's it's for now. Tune in next Monday for the next installment.

holy experience


  1. We loved our 4th celebrations as well!

    Delighted to meet you. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to slip off my shoes and soak in thankfulness alongside you.


  2. Praising God with you today. What a sweet week He gave you!

  3. A relative of mine works for the library and has been working until midnight this week trying to get everything ready for Saturday's big opening. Are you going to stand in line to be one of the first in the door? If you go and happen to meet Tim (dark hair, glasses, about our age), say "Hi!" He's married to a 2nd cousin of mine. Kim W.


Thanks for the comments . . . they make my day!