Hand-me-downs are the best if you ask me. I am so thankful for them. Just the other day I got a great box full of stuff for Anna from my friend Kelli. It was so fun to go through. In there was this great dress that will fit Anna perfectly this fall and winter {it's a tad big right now} and the most fun part was that the big girls had these same dresses a few years back . . . so now I have it in 3 sizes. Anna will probably look back at pictures of her childhood and wonder why she was always wearing the same dress. {I think the other 2 are a size 4 & 5, or something like that, so she'll get at least a couple years off in between this one and those}. Oh well, honey, that's just the life of a 3rd girl in a family . . . especially when the big girls often have matching stuff.
Anna in her "new" dress:

I know it looks like it hurts, but she sat in that position for quite a while.
Babies are bendy . . . that's what I always say!
here we all are in 2005, the girls sportin' their dresses:

So thankful for free clothes . . . and the friends who give them to us!
I have three comments:
ReplyDelete1. I love that photo of Anna on your header. It's just how I picture her.
2. I love hand-me-down's and second's. I hated them as a kid, but I love them as a mom. They are already broken in and end up being worn more often than Ainsley's new stuff.
3. Can I get that dress in my size? It looks so comfy!
I had wonderful people who donated so many bags of clothes that I never had to buy any. I just went to the Steffen closet to see what I could find. It was great!