somehow 9 months has zoomed by already
here are a few facts about our 9-month-old girl::
here are a few facts about our 9-month-old girl::
- she can wave and clap
- she pulls up on stuff ALL THE TIME {and quite frequently tips chairs over on herself} and prefers to be standing
- she crawls REALLY fast
- she weighs about 20 pounds
- she LOVED the rides at Disney World! {as noted by the kicking of little legs and the bouncing up and down of her entire body}
- she was a fabulous little traveler on our trip
- she's had a nasty diaper rash for almost a month {I'm hopeful that being home again and putting her back in her cloth diapers will take care of it}
- she's loved like crazy by her siblings . . . and parents . . . and pretty much everyone who knows her
- Anna always calls her by both her first and middle name
Those pictures are so precious!