Monday, July 18, 2011

multitude monday

Here's my continuing Multitude Monday post, which all started a while back, right here on a wonderful, amazing blog that I read each day.

"One Thousand Gifts":

1505. power tools . . . and using them while wearing a skirt just adds to the fun
1506. seeing a favorite little girl bike up my driveway less than 24 hours after being in the ICU after a scary surgery that didn't quite happen
1507. a great night for soccer . . . and a win!
1508. mornings with a friend
1509. a couple days of picture perfect summer weather!
1510. a successful garage sale despite the insane amount of rain we had during the sale . . . garage salers are hearty people!
1511. flooding like we've NEVER seen the likes of in our 13+ years here, but thankful that we had no irreparable damage
1512. a wonderful book . . . and being kicked out of my house and told, by my husband, to go to Caribou and read
1513. delicious birthday cake with pink and orange frosting
1514. celebrating with my family
1515. hugs
1516. my kiddos playing at church yesterday (Rebekah on the piano, Lydia on the piano and Jacob playing trumpet accompanied by his great-grandma . . . a 4-generation spread praising the Lord with music. You shouldn't be surprised to know it made me cry!)
1517. 37 years of life (well, not until 7:37 tonight, officially) . . . thanks Mom!!

Alrighty, that's it's for now. Tune in next Monday for the next installment.

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